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Trifecta’s Journey to Recovery

“I will start out with stating that I am a CVT (Certified Veterinary Technician)and I have been in the field for close to 27 years now. After my 7 year old FS Pit bull, Trifecta, tore her left CCL back in August I started looking for other options besides surgery. I ended up going with a custom brace, cold laser and the Petspemf pad, she has been recovering very well. I do believe that all of what I am doing with her, is helping her CCL heal.”

Overcoming Dental Surgery Pain

“Dec 20, 2024, Trifecta had to have, what some may say was a major surgery done to her mouth with removing her upper K9 (had another removed in Feb 2024. She broke it.), all 4 carnassial teeth and a few others. She has been to a Dental specialist, since she was found on the street as a young puppy, she had malnutrition that affected her adult teeth. With a total of 10 teeth were removed and just over 6 hours in surgery, i’m sure she was in a lot of pain even with good pain control. I had her use the Petspemf pad on the pain relief setting off and on for 2 days. In less than 48 hours she has her ball in her mouth and is trying to play tug-of-war with her dog brother (not that i’m allowing any of this). I do believe that the use of the pad has sped up her healing time.”

Stress Relief for Her Dog Brother

“My other dog, who has anxiety about random things, will use the stress setting. I have seen improvement with his triggers at home as well. I highly recommend this for owners who are looking something more for their pet.”

Why Your Pets Should Try the Petspemf Pad

The Petspemf pad offers a safe and effective way to support your pet’s health and well-being. Whether they are recovering from an injury, surgery, or dealing with chronic conditions like arthritis, this device provides non-invasive relief through improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and stress management. It’s not just about recovery; it’s about improving their overall quality of life. If your pet enjoys it, that’s a clear sign it’s working to make them feel better—giving you peace of mind and your pet the comfort they deserve.


Petspemf Pad Review: